Theme Park and Attraction Management Certificate
There is no better place to study theme park and attraction management than Orlando, Florida, the theme park capital of the world! UCF Rosen College of Hospitality Management is strategically located near the world’s most-visited theme parks, water parks, and dozens of smaller attractions. It is within miles of the global headquarters of the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA), the industry’s premier professional organization and its largest trade show, the IAAPA Expo, held annually at the Orange County Convention Center.
Those seeking a career in the theme park and attractions industry will find a variety of options that will lead to exciting opportunities in this fun and emerging industry. UCF Rosen College has two programs in theme park and attraction management, as well as industry internship, management shadows, site visits, and guest speakers. Finally, there are extracurricular organizations related to theme park professional development including the Future Theme Park Leaders Association (FTPLA) or TEA NextGen UCF.
Graduates advance into management and leadership positions at the local, national, and international theme park and attraction industry. Many of our alumni work in various roles in management, consulting, or research.
Theme Park and Attraction Management Certificate – A Theme Park and Attraction-Based Certificate for Any UCF Major
The Undergraduate Certificate in Theme Park and Attraction Management is a specialized track of study for those interested in careers in the theme park and attraction industry who are not pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management. Students taking any major across UCF can take advantage of this certificate to gain a competitive edge in the industry.
Certificate Admission Requirements:
- None
Certificate Requirements:
- No course grade lower than a C will be accepted for the certificate requirements.
- The average GPA for the five courses must be 3.00 and higher.
- At least 12 credit hours used towards the certificate must be earned at UCF.
Required Courses (6 hours):
- HFT 1000 – Introduction to the Hospitality and Tourism Industry
- HFT 4755 – Theme Park and Attraction Management
Restricted Electives (9 hours) – students select 3 additional courses from the following list:
- HFT – 4751 – Managing the Employee Experience in the Theme Park and Attraction Industry
- HFT – 4752 – Managing the Guest Experience in the Theme Park and Attraction Industry
- HFT – 4758 – Operational Issues in the Theme Park and Attraction Industry
- HFT – 4759 – Product Development in Theme Parks and Attractions
Total Semester Hours Required:
- 15
Other Requirements:
- No credit by exam (TSD, Military credit) may be used.
- Internship of Independent Study credit may not be used toward the program.
Choose this
Undergraduate Certificate
Choose the Undergraduate Certificate in Theme Park and Attraction Management if you are pursuing any other degree at UCF except the Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management. This option is 15 credits that can be added on to a current degree. No internships are required, but it is suggested that you gain work experience in the industry in addition to the certificate. This option is especially beneficial for those pursuing non-management aspects of themed entertainment, for instance design or engineering.
You can add the Undergraduate Certificate Program in Theme Park and Attraction Management to your degree:
- Current UCF Students Contact: Rosen College Student Services
- Prospective UCF Students Contact: UCF Admissions at