Rosen College Leadership Council Celebrates Success

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Rosen College Leadership Council Celebrates Success

A new Rosen College student organization celebrated its successes with a Mardi Gras-themed inauguration ceremony on Tuesday, April 26, 2017.  The Rosen College Leadership Council (RCLC) has only been operating for two semesters, but its accomplishments have been impactful, including a partnership with Valencia College to encourage transfer students.  Ten students made up the initial members of the RCLC, which requires the following characteristics of its members:

  • Currently enrolled Major within the Rosen College of Hospitality Management
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA and Junior/Senior standing
  • Be passionate about the industry and Rosen College of Hospitality Management
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • A one-year academic commitment (fall and spring terms)
  • Excellent character, positive attitude and committed to inclusion

In the coming year, the RCLC aims to continue developing and facilitating numerous events on campus to better engage students, faculty, and industry partners. The RCLC will also volunteer as ambassadors for the Rosen College. The goal is to continue building a positive reputation and to increase awareness of the organization.

In the fall and spring semesters, the RCLC plans to develop and facilitate two new types of events: the monthly “Knight of Networking” event and the once-a-semester “Areas of Expertise” panels. This is in addition to their already cultivated events including Transfer Talk and Faculty Meet and Greet. For the fall 2017 semester, the RCLC is currently planning eight different events in addition to external volunteer opportunities and building their partnership event with Valencia West Campus called Transfer Testimonials. They plan to add and initiate new RCLC members at the end of the fall semester.

If you’d like additional information on the RCLC, its events or how to join, please contact Vanessa Gonzalez at

— (July 10, 2017)