Gail Peacock, Senior Living Management Advisory Board 2021
Gail Peacock has been in the senior living industry for over 13 years. She is deeply passionate about helping seniors and their families. Gail began her journey in the Independent Living segment and was able to learn the ins and outs of the business. She was then intrigued by the Assisted Living/Memory Care segment and helped a company open many communities throughout the Dallas area. Her last stop was dipping her toes in the Skilled Nursing/Rehab segment, where she learned a lot about the hospital to community transition for our seniors.
Gail gained many experiences and started a consulting company, Icare Senior Consulting Group. She has been helping numerous communities throughout her 13 years within the United States and Internationally. Her strongest belief is to make sure all communities live the “Residents First” motto.
Gail has worked with many great leaders throughout her career and has learned a great deal all along the way.