Educating Future Leaders

Educating Future Leaders

University Resources at Your Fingertips

We bring success to you. Representatives from UCF offices are housed on the Rosen College campus to provide exceptional service, support and guidance.


Our academic advisors with Undergraduate Student Services are dedicated to your educational goals and provide guidance with course offerings, university policies, procedures and graduation requirements.

Career Services

Our focus is to help you determine career goals and succeed in the workplace long after graduation. Career Services offers a complete range of career development resources.

Computers & Technology

Our three computer labs and library help connect students with nearly 70 computers featuring Microsoft Office, wireless Internet, access to printers and more. Labs 216 and 218 are available Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., with extended hours in lab 217, open Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Rosen College technical support is available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 407.903.8065, or you may contact the UCF Helpdesk.

Counseling Services

Our licensed, certified professional with Counseling Services offers a supportive and stimulating environment to explore common issues of concern.

Experiential Learning

Pave the way to your future with paid internships. The Office of Experiential Learning guides you through this exciting opportunity by instructing three internship courses to enhance your success.

Financial Aid

Explore options to fund your college education with the Office of Student Financial Assistance.


Featuring more than 8,000 titles, and access to the main UCF Library’s complete collection, the Universal Orlando Foundation Library is distinguished as one of seven World Tourism Organization depository libraries in the nation. For your convenience, our library offers three group study rooms and extended hours during finals week.


To park on the Rosen College campus, a $5 decal is required and can be purchased online. Save hundreds with free round-trip transportation between Rosen College and the main campus via the UCF Shuttle Service. A separate decal is required to park on main campus and information is available at Parking & Transportation Services.


Community service officers monitor the Rosen campus around the clock. Their office is located next to the Rosen College reception desk located on the first floor, and they may be reached at 407.903.8060. Additionally, emergency blue light phones connect directly to the police department in case of emergency.
In compliance with the Campus Safety/Security Act of 1990, the Annual Security and Fire Safety Guide can be found on the UCF Police Department’s website.

Student Disability Services

Qualified students with disabilities receive academic accommodations to ensure equal accessibility to educational opportunities through the Office of Student Disability Services. On campus assistance is available and office hours vary. Please contact Myrna Pagan-Ubides in office 102D, Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. for further information.