Dean’s Distinguished Lecture Series
You are invited to join us on Wednesday, March 22, 2023, 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m., for the Dean’s Distinguished Lecture Series. Our guest will be Dr. Karl Wöber,Full Professor and Founding President of MODUL University Vienna and President, International Academy for the Study of Tourism.
We will meet in Room 102R on the UCF Rosen College campus. In-person – Only 48 tickets.
This presentation will be followed by a social hour.
You may also register to join us virtually via Zoom:
The title of the presentation:
A collaborative management information system for evidence-based decision making in tourism.
About The Speaker:
Karl Wöber is Full Professor and Founding President of MODUL University Vienna and President, International Academy for the Study of Tourism. He is also the chairman of the Austrian Private University Conference since 2012 and elected member of the Board of the European Union of Private Higher Education since 2018. He acquired his PhD from the Vienna University of Economics and Business where he became Associate Professor in 2000.
Over the last 40 years Karl’s interdisciplinary research focused on computer support in tourism and hospitality marketing and management, decision support systems, and economics. His main research contributions are in the fields of decision support systems, and strategic marketing and strategic planning. This research led to the development of the most comprehensive tourism marketing and management information system ( which is currently in use by more than 25,000 registered users in Europe. Karl Wöber is currently the elected President of the International Academy for the study of Tourism, the worldwide leading network of Tourism Professors. For more than 20 years he is a Technical Advisor of the two leading professional tourism networks in Europe: European Cities Marketing and the European Travel Commission. Since 2017 he is the elected chairman of the Expert committee of the World Tourism Cities Federation. He is also a member of the Strategy Advisory Board of the Vienna Tourism Board. In 2010, Karl Wöber received the Johann Strauss Gold Medal by the city of Vienna for his outstanding contributions for the development of city tourism, and tourism in Vienna in particular.
For more information, please contact Dr. Arthur Huang at
Thank you for joining us on Wednesday, February 1, 2023, for the first Dean’s Distinguished Lecture Series of 2023 with Dr. Ralf Burbach.

About The Speaker:
Dr Ralf Burbach is Head of Hospitality Management, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Technological University Dublin, Ireland. He has been working in academia since 2001. Prior to his academic career, he worked for thirteen years in managerial positions in the hospitality industry in Germany, Ireland and the UK. He has published several peer reviewed journal articles, book chapters and an edited book in the field of Global Talent Management. He is President of the International Council on Hotel Restaurant and Institutional Education and past President of its European Federation. He is a chartered member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) and a member of the Irish Hospitality Institute. He also serves on the Hospitality Careers Oversight Group in Ireland, a body set up by the Irish Government to promote careers in tourism and hospitality. His research areas include global talent management and electronic human resource management.
For more information, please contact Dr. Arthur Huang at
Thank you for joining us on January 10, 2023, for the first Dean’s Distinguished Lecture Series of 2023 with Dr. Marina Novelli.

About The Speaker:
Professor Marina Novelli (PhD) is a globally renowned Sustainable Tourism expert and Professor of Tourism and International Development at the University of Brighton (UK). She is known for her contributions to the concept of Niche Tourism, Tourism and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa and critical elaboration of the Overtourism phenomenon.
She has written and advised in the field of international tourism policy, planning and development in Africa, Europe and Asia for institutions such as the World Bank, the EU, the UN, the Commonwealth Secretariat, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, National Ministries and Tourism Boards, Regional Development Agencies, private sector and NGOs. She distinguishes herself for her inclusive leadership practice and excellence in collaborating with multi-disciplinary, multi-stakeholders and multi-cultural teams making her a preferred research partner and a particularly active member of the global tourism community. She is Fellow of the International Academy for the Study of Tourism and Alternate Member of the UNWTO World Committee on Tourism Ethics (2021-2025) amongst many other involvements in academic and industry organizations.
For more information, please contact Dr. Arthur Huang at
Thank you to everyone who joined us on Tuesday, April 5, 2022, for the Dean’s Distinguished Lecture Series and the panel discussion with our benefactor, Mr. Harris Rosen, UCF President Dr. Alexander Cartwright, and Rosen College Dean, Dr. Youcheng Wang.
If you were unable to attend the event in person, you may watch the lecture via the Rosen College YouTube Channel.
To honor Dr. Abraham Pizam, founding dean of the Rosen College of Hospitality Management on the 50th anniversary of his achieving his Ph.D., the Dean’s Distinguished Lecture Series for 2020 – 2021 took a look at the evolution of the hospitality and tourism industry through the eyes of some of the pioneers in this field of education.
Seven lectures were presented in the Dean’s Distinguished Lecture Series, beginning on October 28, 2020 and concluding in April 2021. Please scroll down the page for detailed information on the lecture series.

Dr. Abraham Pizam’s Dissertation Title:
Some Socio-Psychological Correlates of Innovation within Industrial Suggestion Systems
The main postulate of this study was that industrial innovation as manifested in a suggestion system is a product of some personal characteristics that an individual possesses which are constrained by some structural characteristics of the organization. Industrial innovation was operationally defined as “Bringing something new into existence or use, through an industrial suggestion system.”
The study was conducted in two middle-size industrial organizations in the North East United States, (NCR and Corning) having a similar suggestion system for more than 10 years. One hundred employees were administered two psychological tests (Remote Association and Social Differentiation) and one survey questionnaire of six questions. Information relating to the subjects’ suggestion making records was gathered from the two companies’ suggestion departments. Information relating to the subjects’ jobs was obtained from the personnel departments of the two companies. Information relating to a person’s motivation, satisfaction, idea source, rarity of suggestions, and supervisory encouragement was collected through the questionnaire. The foremen (totaling 43) of the above-mentioned subjects were administered the Social Differentiation test.
The results of the study proved that industrial innovativeness ways affected significantly by the personal characteristics of creativity, social differentiation, motivational source, and idea source. The higher a person was on the Individual index the higher was his/hers innovativeness tends to be. However, the data obtained did not confirm that innovativeness was affected significantly by structural characteristics such as , the job one does, or the work environment.. These characteristics neither constrained nor sustain innovativeness.
To learn more about Dr. Pizam please visit his website page.
Watch the April 29, 2021, Lecture
A conversation with Dr. Abraham Pizam, Professor, founding Dean of UCF Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Abraham Pizam Ph.D. is the founding dean (2000-2018) of Rosen College of Hospitality Management at the University of Central Florida. Currently he serves as Professor and Linda Chapin Eminent Scholar Chair in Tourism Management. Professor Pizam is widely known in the field of Hospitality and Tourism Management and has conducted research projects, lectured, and served as a consultant in more than 30 countries. He has held various academic positions, in Austria, Australia, France, Israel, Japan, New-Zealand, Singapore, Slovakia, Switzerland United Kingdom and the U.S.A, has authored more than 250 publications of which 180 were scientific publications and published ten books. His publications have resulted in more than 20,000 citations and an h-index of 66. He is Editor Emeritus of the International Journal of Hospitality Management and serves on the editorial boards of 26 academic journals. Professor Pizam has conducted consulting and research projects for a variety of international, national and regional tourism organizations.
Professor Pizam holds a Master’s degree from New York University and a Ph.D. from Cornell University, and is the recipient of several academic awards.
Watch the April 21, 2021, Lecture
See Slides from the April 21, 2021, Lecture
Lecture guest speaker April 21, 2021:
Josef A. Mazanec Ph.D. is a full professor at the Department of Tourism and Service Management at MODUL University Vienna and professor emeritus of the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU). He functioned as head of the Institute for Tourism and Leisure Studies of WU from 1981 to 2010. In 1992 he was a visiting scholar at the Alfred P. Sloan School of Management, MIT. During 1997-2002 he served as the Vice-Rector for Research of WU and in 1997-2000 as the Speaker of the Joint Research Program on “Adaptive Models and Systems in Economics and Management Science” (comprising researchers from WU, Vienna University of Technology, and University of Vienna). He is a founding member of the International Academy for the Study of Tourism and has served as editorial board member for numerous tourism and marketing journals. His research interests are in consumer behavior, multivariate methods, decision-support systems, and marketing and management science applications in hospitality and tourism. For more on publications, research and teaching see .
Watch the March 25, 2021, Lecture
See Slides from the March 25, 2021, Lecture
Lecture guest speaker March 25, 2021:
Chris Ryan Ph.D. is Professor of Tourism at the University of Waikato Management School, where he is the Director of the BUU China-New Zealand Tourism Research Unit, and the Waikato INSTO Research Centre of the UNWTO. He was editor of Tourism Management for 25 years, started the journal, Tourism Management Perspectives and currently is Editor of Tourism Critiques: Practice and Theory. He gained his doctoral degree at the Aston Management School in the United Kingdom. He has held full-time positions in Australia, the United Kingdom and Australia, and has also taught in Canada and the United States, and has held visiting positions in China, Macau and Hong Kong. Having degrees in economics and psychology permits him to engage in both quantitative and qualitative research, even as he attempts to incorporate research undertaken in China with that conducted in New Zealand, which requires some understanding of both Western and Asian traditions of thought.
Watch the February 17, 2021, Lecture
See Slides from the February 17, 2021, Lecture
Lecture guest speaker February 17, 2021:
Pauline J. Sheldon is Professor Emerita, University of Hawai’i, School of Travel Industry Management where she also served as Dean. She holds a PhD in Economics, an MBA, and a BS in Mathematics. Her research areas include sustainable and regenerative tourism, social entrepreneurship in tourism, transformative and wellness tourism. She has published seven books, and over 70 peer-reviewed research articles. Her most recent book is titled Social Entrepreneurship and Tourism with Daniele, and her most recent research is Designing Tourism Experiences for Inner Transformation. She is the first woman recipient of the UNWTO Ulysses Prize, and was the first woman President of the prestigious International Academy for the Study of Tourism. Pauline is a regular keynote speaker at tourism conferences around the world, and has consulted with World Bank, APEC, and UNWTO. She teaches with the Art of Living Foundation and is passionate about blending her study of tourism with her interest in the transformation of consciousness and the planet.
Watch the January 21, 2021, Lecture
See Slides from the January 21, 2021, Lecture
Lecture guest speaker January 21, 2021:
Dr. Anna S. Mattila, is the Marriott Professor of Lodging Management at the School of Hospitality management at the Pennsylvania State University. She holds a Ph.D. in services marketing from Cornell University. Her research interests focus on service encounters with a particular interest in healthy eating, service recovery, corporate social responsibility, social media and cross-cultural research. Her work has appeared in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Service Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Service Management, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, Journal of Travel Research, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Tourism Management, Annals of Tourism Research and Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, among others. Anna served as a Chief-Editor for the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research for five years and currently serves as an Associate Editor for the Cornell Hospitality Quarterly.
See slides from the December 10, 2020, Lecture
Lecture guest speaker December 10, 2020:
Brian King has been Associate Dean and Professor at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University since 2012. He was previously in Melbourne, Australia where he completed a PhD (Monash University) and worked at Victoria University as Head of the School of Hospitality & Tourism and latterly as Pro Vice-Chancellor (Industry & Community). Originally from Scotland, he specializes in tourism and culture in Asia and in hospitality leadership. He has published books and articles on integrated resorts, marketing, VFR travel and Asia-Pacific tourism. He is Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Tourism, Culture & Communication. His industry experience includes manager and/or director roles in airlines, tour operations, destination management, cruise operations and hotels. He has held visiting professorships in Europe, USA and the Pacific, and is a Fellow of the International Academy for the Study of Tourism and of the International Association of China Tourism Studies.
Watch the November 13, 2020 Lecture
See slides from the November 13, 2020, Lecture
Lecture guest speaker November 13, 2020:
Arie Reichel is Professor Emeritus and the former Dean of the Guilford Glazer Faculty of Business and Management at Ben-Gurion University in Israel. He is the Founding Dean of BGU’s southern campus at the resort city of Eilat and the Founding Head of the Department of Hotel and Tourism Management on BGU’s main campus in Beersheba.
Arie published dozens of articles in top tourism and hospitality journals. For example: Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, Journal of Travel Research, and the International Journal of Hospitality Management. He is a member of the editorial board of six journals, and acts as an ad-hoc ‘blind referee’ to many other journals. His main current research interests are in tourists’ behavior and managerial planning issues in the hospitality and tourism industry. Recently he focused his scholarly work on the inclusion of disenfranchised segments in the tourism experience, in term of servicecape, both physical and human.
Prof. Reichel earned his Ph.D. in Corporate Strategy at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, MA. After serving as assistant professor at New York University (NYU) Stern School of Management, he joined BGU in Israel. He has also taught courses and done consulting work in Brazil, Cyprus, France, Jordan and Bethlehem in the P.A.
Watch the October 28, 2020 Lecture
Lecture guest speaker October 28, 2020:
Jafar Jafari is Founding Editor, Annals of Tourism Research; Chief Editor, Tourism Social Science Series; Co-Editor, Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice; Co-Editor, Encyclopedia of Tourism; Co-Founder, TRINET; Founding President, International Academy for the Study of Tourism; Co-Founding Editor, Information Technology & Tourism; and Co-Founding President Tourism Intelligence Forum. With a PhD in cultural anthropology from University of Minnesota, BS and MS from Cornell University, BA from University of Isfahan, he is the recipient of the 2005 UNWTO Ulysses Prize and Honorary Doctorate, Universitat de les Illes Balears (Spain); Visiting Professor of Sun Yat-sen University (China), Universitat do Algarve (Portugal), University of Isfahan (Iran), Lifetime Honorary Professorship of Bundelkhand University (India), and Professor Emeritus of University of Wisconsin-Stout (USA). He has also acted as consultant/advisor to several intergovernmental agencies (including UNWTO and Inter-American Development Bank), and ministries of tourism.