Research and Industry Insights – UCF TRT

Research and Industry Insights – UCF TRT

The UCF TRT Program leverages the knowledge and skillsets of interdisciplinary researchers and industry professionals to advance research at the intersection of hospitality and occupational health

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Recent Research 

 Journal Publications  

  • Horan, K., Beltramo, J. M., Mejia, C., & Shoss, M. K. (2022). Essential service worker valorization: a deonance perspective. Current Issues in Tourism, 1-13. 
    • Main takeaway: Society largely viewed service workers as heroes during the COVID-19 pandemic, upon a backdrop of suffering, uncertainty, and justice.
  • Naranjo, A., Shoss, M., Gebben, A., DiStaso, M., & Su, S. (2021). When minor insecurities project large shadows: A profile analysis of cognitive and affective job insecurity. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 26(5), 421–436. 
    • Main takeaway: People differ in the amount that they worry about potentially losing their job, even when they don’t think their job is in jeopardy. Reasons and consequences of this are discussed in this article. 
  • Horan, K. A., Scott, B., Farzan, A., Ortíz-Aponte, M. L., Rivera-García, A., Marshall, J., … & Orta-Anés, L. (2021). Understanding recovery and resilience from natural disasters in hospitality organizations. Journal of Emergency Management, 19(8), 109-121. 
    • Main takeaway: Workers from Puerto Rico say the keys to recovering from Hurricane María were: preparedness, promoting awareness of resources, accurate data, and acknowledging struggles together with triumphs. 
  • Horan, K. A., Shoss, M. K., Mejia, C., & Ciarlante, K. (2021). Industry Context as an Essential Tool for the Future of Healthy and Safe Work: Illustrative Examples for Occupational Health Psychology from the Hospitality Industry. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(20), 10720. 
    • Main takeaway: The context of specific industries (e.g., hospitality industry) adds to the breadth and depth of our understanding about occupational health and safety. 
  • Mejia, C., Ciarlante, K., & Chheda, K. (2021). A wearable technology solution and research agenda for housekeeper safety and health. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.
  • Shoss, M. K., Horan, K. A., DiStaso, M., LeNoble, C. A., & Naranjo, A. (2021). The conflicting impact of COVID-19’s health and economic crises on helping. Group & Organization Management, 46(1), 3-37.
  • Shoss, M. (2021). Occupational health psychology research and the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 26(4), 259.
  • Ng, M. A., Naranjo, A., Schlotzhauer, A. E., Shoss, M. K., Kartvelishvili, N., Bartek, M., … & Silva, C. (2021). Has the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the future of work or changed its course? Implications for research and practice. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(19), 10199.
  • Mejia, C., Pittman, R., Beltramo, J. M., Horan, K., Grinley, A., & Shoss, M. K. (2021). Stigma & dirty work: In-group and out-group perceptions of essential service workers during COVID-19. International Journal of hospitality management, 93, 102772.


  • Distaso, M., Azcarate, I., Le, A., Nakahara, W., & Shoss, M. (2022). Return-to-work Worries and Return Intention. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology.
  • Chheda, K., DiStaso, M., Lee, J., Horan, K., Shoss, M., Mejia, C. (2021). Disparities in COVID-19 Layoffs and Furloughs in the Hospitality Industry [Poster]. Southeast Regional Research Symposium, SouthON Meeting, virtual.
  • Horan, K. (2021). COVID-19 Impact in Central Florida & the Hospitality Industry. University of Minnesota.
  • Symposium at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference (2022): Job Insecurity Research amid COVID and Automation  
  • Jiang, L., & Probst, T. M. Job Insecurity Research in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Automation. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, United States.  
  • DiStaso, M., Chaviano, G., & Shoss, M. Layoff and furlough events and employee well-being via job insecurity.   
  • Bazzoli, A., & Probst, T. M. Are our best days still ahead of us? Job insecurity and work selves during the pandemic  
  • Debus, M., E., Probst, T. M., Bazzoli, A., & Lee, H. J. The long reach of unemployment: Employee reactions to subsequent job insecurity  
  • Jiang, L., Xu, X., Zubielevitch, E. & Sibley, C. G. A 7-year longitudinal study of competing perspectives on the relationships of job insecurity with job and life satisfaction  
  • Roll, L. C., De Witte, H., & Wang, H-J. Measuring employees’ perceived threat of automation: Validation of the occupation insecurity scale   


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