10,000 Students Served by Leadership Development Workshops
The Leadership Development Workshops Series (LDWS) reached a milestone during the Spring 2019 semester with over 10,000 students in attendance since its inception in the Spring 2017 semester. The series was created using direct feedback from employers with the goals to educate, mentor, and develop students into marketable and hireable leaders in their chosen career field.
Each Internship class invites industry leaders to facilitate a workshop on a specific leadership topic. Topics are targeted for the level of the internship class and vary each semester. Topics range from Personal Branding, Creativity in the Workplace, What Employers Look for in YOU, Business Social Media, Transferable Hospitality Skills, Growth Through Change, Owning up to a Mistake, Multi-Generations in the Workplace, Empathy in the Workplace, Professionalism and Business Etiquette, Networking and Joining Professional Associations, and Workplace Accountability. The series covers current industry trends and important social and culture issues in our industry.
Read more about the LDWS and the programs presented during the Spring 2019 semester.