2009 Faculty Publications
Avci, U., Okumus, F., Kilinc, I. (2009). Transition from individual learning to organizational learning in tourism organizations. Journal of Travel and Tourism Research. 9(1), 57-74.
Chen, P., & Tesone, D.V. (2009). Comparison of hospitality practitioners and student/practitioner work values. Advances in Hospitality and Leisure. 5, 39-52.
Choi, Y. & Crissy, H. (2009). Does tourist satisfaction and perception change over time?: A study on spring break tourists in Negril, Jamaica. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism. 7(1), 62-86.
Choi, G., Parsa, H.G., Segala, M., Putrevu, S. (2009). Consumers’ environmental concerns and behavior in the lodging industry: A comparison between the United States and Greece. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism. 10(2), 93-112.
Cobos, L., Wang, Y.C., Okumus, F. (2009). Assessing the web-based destination marketing activities: A relationship marketing perspective. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management. 18(4), 421-444.
Fjestul, J., Severt, K., Breiter, D. (2009). An analysis of the motivators and inhibitors affecting association meeting attendance for Generation X and Baby Boomers. Event Management, 13(1), 31-42.
Hara, T. & Asahi, S. (2009). Income distribution effect over regional residents: Comparative analysis of income generated from tourism industry and other industries. Innovation and I-O Technique. 17(1-2), 47-55.
Hara, T. & Tesone, D.V. (2009). Analysis of Japanese hotel employees’ job satisfaction and its association with annual income and other socio-economic variables. International Journal of Tourism Science. 8(1), 71-88.
Hua, N., Mattila, S.A., O’Neill, J. (2009). More marketing expenditures, better hotel financial performance? The Tourism Tribune. 24(3), 82-89.
Hutchinson, J., Lai, F., Wang, Y.C. (2009). Understanding the relationships of quality, value, equity, satisfaction, and behavioral intentions among golf travelers. Tourism Management. 30, 298-308.
Jackson, L.A. & Parsa, H.G. (2009). Corporate social responsibility and financial performance: A typology for service industries. International Journal of Business Insights and Transformation. 2(2), 13-21.
Jackson, L.A. & Hua, N. (2009). Corporate social responsibility and financial performance: A snapshot from the lodging and gaming industries. Journal of Hospitality Financial Management. 17(1), Article 4.
Jackson, L.A., Tesone, D.V., Fjelstul, J. (2009). Robert L. Johnson: From media mogul to developing the largest African-American owned hotel investment company. Journal of Hospitality Education. 20(4), 38-42.
Kim, S. & Choi, Y. (2009). Hotel employees’ perception of green practices. International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration. 14(2). (in press).
Lee, J., Almanza, B., Nelson, D., Ghiselli, R. (2009). Using health inspection scores to assess risk in foodservices, The Journal of Environmental Health. 71(7), 29-33.
Mattila, A.S., Cho, W., Ro, H. (2009). The Joint Effects of Service Failure Mode, Recovery Effort and Gender on Customers’ Post-recovery Satisfaction. The Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing. 26, 120-128.
McDowall, M. & Wang, Y.C. (2009). An Analysis of International Tourism Development in Thailand: 1994-2007. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 14(3), 1-15.
Murphy, K. S. (2009). Strategic Human Resource Management Performance Metrics for Unit-Level Managers: An Exploratory Study of U.S. Casual Restaurants. FIU Hospitality Review. 27(3), 20-41.
Murphy, K. S., DiPietro, R.B., Rivera, M., Muller, C. (2009 ). An Exploratory Case Study of Factors That Impact the Turnover Intentions and Job Satisfaction of Multi-unit Managers in the Casual Theme Segment of the US Restaurant Industry. Journal of Food Service Business Research, 12 (3) pp. 200-218.
Murphy, K.S. & Olsen, M.D. (2009). Dimensions of a High Performance Management System: an Exploratory Study of the U.S. Casual Restaurant Segment. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 21(7), 836-853. (SSCI journal).
Murphy, K.S. & Murrmann, S. (2009). The Research Design Used to Develop a High Performance Management System Construct for U.S. Restaurant Managers. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 28(4), 547-555. (SSCI Journal).
Naipaul, S. & Wang, Y.C. (2009). Entrepreneurship and Leadership in Hospitality Education: Insights and Implications for Hospitality and Tourism Education. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 21(6), 639-658. (SSCI Journal).
Naipaul, S., Wang, Y.C., Okumus, F. (2009). Collaborative Destination Marketing: A Case Study of A Tri-County Agri-Tourism Destination in Ohio. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing. 26(5&6), 462-481. (SSCI Journal).
Naipaul, S., Wang, Y.C., Okumus, F. (2009). Regional Destination Marketing: A Collaborative Approach. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing. 26(5&6), 462-481. (SSCI Journal).
Ottenbacher, M., Harrington, R.J.,Parsa, H.G. (2009). Defining Hospitality: A Discussion of Pedagogical and Research Implications. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. 38(3), 1-19. (SSCI Journal).
Parsa, H.G., Tesone, D., Templeton, A. (2009). All Employees Are Not Created Equal: An Alternative Method to Assess Employee Turnover in Hospitality. Journal of Foodservice Business Research. 12(4), 317-331.
Rivera, M., Shani, A., Severt, D. (2009). The case of Service in a Religious Theme Site. Journal of Vacation Marketing. (in press).
Severt, D., Tesone, D., Carpenter, M., Botoroff, T. (2009). A World Ranking of the top 100 Hospitality and Tourism Programs, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. 11(3), 219-248.
Severt, D., Tesone, D.V., Bottorff, T., Carpenter, M.L. (2009). An analysis of hospitality and tourism research by institutional contributions to the literature. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. 33(4), 451-470.
Severt, K., DiPietro, R., Herrera, D. (2009). Examining Technology Adoption and Management Perception of Inventory Management Systems: The Case of Aruba Restaurants. Florida International University Review. 28(1), 52-82.
Severt, K., Fjestul, J., Breiter, D. (2009). A comparison of motivators and inhibitors for association meeting attendance for three generational cohorts. Journal of Convention & Event Tourism. 10(2), 105-119.
Severt, K., Severt, D., Palakurthi, R. (2009). A Qualitative Investigation of Customer Equity. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism Management. 12(4), 128-143.
Severt, K., Severt, D., Palakurthi, R. (2009). Show Manager’s Perceptions of Components of Customer Equity in the Convention Industry. Journal of Quality Assurance of Hospitality Tourism.10(2), 113-138.
Shani, A., Rivera, M., Hara, T. (2009). Assessing the Viability of Repeat Visitors to Cultural Events: Evidence from the Zora! Festival. Journal of Convention & Event Tourism. (in print).
Shani, A., Wang, Y.C., Hudson, S., Gil, S.M. (2009). Impacts of a Historical Film on the Destination Image of South America. Journal of Vacation Marketing. 15(3), 229-242.
Tesone, D.V., Jackson, L.A., Fjelstul, J. (2009). Charting production systems for golf and club operations. Journal of Retail and Leisure Property. 8(1), 67-76.
Tesone, D.V. & Ricci, P. (2009). Hotel and restaurant entry-level job competencies: Comparisons of management and worker perceptions. FIU Hospitality Review. 27(1), 77-89.
Wang, J., Guo, L.X., Wang, Y.C. (2009). Enhancing Tourism Functions of Beijing Folklore Villages: Issues and Approaches. Tourism Tribune. 10, 83-86.
Wang, Y.C. (2009). Cooperative Destination Marketing: Theoretical Foundations and Implications to Tourism Marketing in China. Tourism Tribune, 24(6), 53-59.
Wang, Y.C. (2009). Measuring the Effectiveness of Destination Marketing Systems. Tourism Science, 23(1), 29-37.
Yoon, H., Thompson, S., Parsa, H.G. (2009). Bayesian Approach to Assess Consumers’ Brand Selection Process and Identification of Brand Attributes in a Service Context. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 28 (1), 33-41. (SSCI Journal).