2016 Faculty Publications
Wang, Y.C. (2016). Tourism Destination Marketing: Collaborative Strategies. London: CAB International. ISBN: 978-1845936563. 304 pages.
Book Chapters
Newbold, C. & Jordan, J. (2016). Focus of World Festivals: Contemporary case studies and perspectives. Van Niekerk, M. Community perceptions on the impacts of art festivals and its impact on overall quality of life: A case study of the Innibos National Arts Festival, South Africa. Goodfellow Publishers Ltd: Oxford.
Books – Case Studies
Murphy, K. S., Rivera, M., Mejia, C., Cobos, L.(2016). The value of study abroad externships in hospitality education: Experiential learning, Grant Report, FUA press.
Van Niekerk, M. (2016). Marketing Highlight 4.1. Cape Town Tourism (CTT) Destination Marketing. In textbook of Kothler, Bowen, Makens and Baloglu. Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism. Pearsons.
Van Niekerk, M. (2016). Marketing Highlight 11.1. Price strategy for Forest Lodge, Cape Town, South Africa. In textbook of Kothler, Bowen, Makens and Baloglu. Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism. Pearsons.
Journal Articles
Almanza, B., Ma, J., Ghiselli, R., Lee, J., Behnke, C., & Sydnor, S. (Accepted). Do the physical facilities in restaurants match seniors’ preferences? Journal of Foodservice Business Research.
Altin, M., and Kizildag, M. (In-Press, 2016). Corporate governance, ownership structure, and credit ratings of hospitality firms. Journal of Hospitality Financial Management. (SSCI)
Andrzejewski, L., van Niekerk, M. & Okumus, F. (2016). Strategic Event Planning for the Florida Music Festival (FMF), USA. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Cases. Issue 2.
Annaraud, K., & Singh, D. (Accepted). Perceptions of Hospitality Faculty and Students on Massive Open Online Courses. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education.
Atzori, R., Murphy, K.S. Shapoval, V. (2016). Measuring Generation Y Consumers’ Perceptions of Green Practices at Starbucks: An IPA Analysis. Journal of Food Service Business Research. Accepted
Bahri-Ammari, N., van Niekerk, M., Ben-Khelil, H. & Chtioui, J. (2016).The effects of brand attachment on behavioral loyalty in the luxury restaurant sector. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Vol. 28. No. 3. (SSCI)
Barreda, A., Kageyama, Y., Sheel, A., & Singh, D. (Accepted). An investigation into the efficacy of MDA and Logit models for predicting bankruptcy. Submitted to Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism.
Barreda, A., Nusair, K. Okumus, F. and Bilgihan, A. (2016). The Mediating effect of Virtual Interactivity in Travel Related Online Social Network Websites. International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration, 17 (2), pp. 147-178.
Berezina, K., Bilgihan, A., Cobanoglu, C. and Okumus, F. (accepted for publication). Understanding Satisfied and Dissatisfied Hotel Customers: Text Mining of Online Hotel Reviews. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management.
Bertan, S., Bayram, M., Ozturk, A. B., & Benzergil, N. (in press). Factors influencing hotel managers’ perceptions regarding the use of mobile apps to gain a competitive advantage. Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism, 5(2).
Bilgihan, A., Barreda, A., Okumus, F. and Nusair, K. (2016). Consumer Perception of Knowledge-Sharing in Travel-Related Online Social Networks. Tourism Management, 53, pp.287-296. (HIT) (SSCI)
Barrod, B. and Fyall, A. (2016) Collaborative Destination Marketing at the Local Level: Benefits Bundling and Changing Roles of the Local Tourism Association, Current Issues in Tourism
Chan, E., Chan, W. and Okumus, F. (accepted for publication). The Applications of Environmental Technologies in Hotels. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management.
Chan, E., Hon, A., Okumus, F. and Chan. W. (accepted for publication). An Empirical Study of Environmental Practices and Employee Ecological Behavior in the Hotel Industry. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. doi: 10.1177/1096348014550873. (SSCI)
Chen, E. Chen, W. and Okumus, F. (accepted for publication). Barriers to Environmental Technology Adoption in Hotels. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research (EM). DOI: 10.1177/1096348015614959. (SSCI)
Correia, A., Kozak, M., Fyall, A. and Gnoth, J. (2016). Digital Marketing Technologies and New Markets: From Embryonic Markets to Digital Marketing. Anatolia 27 (1), 1-3. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/13032917.2015.1083203
Croes, R. (2016). Connecting Tourism Development with Small Island Destinations and with the Well-being of the Island Residents. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 5(1), 1-4. (SSCI)
Croes, R., & Rivera, M. (2016). Tourism and Human Development. Revista Latino Americana de Turismologia (RLAT) (Accepted).
Day, C., van Niekerk, M. & Okumus, F. (2016). Strategic communication and change management at Palm University of Hospitality and Event Studies. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Cases. Issue 4.
DeFranco, A., Morison, C., & Hua, N. (in press). “Examining Hotel Size as a Moderating Factor on the Impact of E-Commerce Expenses on the Financial Performance in American Upper Upscale Hotels.” Tourism Economics.
Fyall, A. (2015). A Portrait of John Fletcher: From Bangor to Bournemouth … via the South Pacific. Anatolia 26 (4), 626-633. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/13032917.2015.1014984
Garrod, B. and Fyall, A. (in press). Collaborative Destination Marketing at the Local Level: Benefits Bundling and the Changing Role of the Local Tourism Association. Current Issues in Tourism. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13683500.2016.1165657 (SSCI)
Holm, M. and Breiter, D. (in press). Communication and hands-on problem resolution: A case study in event management. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Cases(5), 4.
Hua, N. (in press). “E-commerce performance: Research synthesis and new directions in hospitality and tourism.” International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. (SSCI)
Hua, N., Dalbor, M., Lee, S. and Guchait, P. (2016) An Empirical Framework to Predict Idiosyncratic Risk in a Time of Crisis: Evidence From the Restaurant Industry, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 28, Issue 1, pp. 156-176
Jun, J., Wohlsdorf-Arendt, S., &Kang, J. (2016). Understanding customers’ healthful food selection at restaurants: Roles of attitude, gender, and past experience. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 19(2), 197-212.
Kang, J., Manthiou, A. Sumarjan, N., and Tang, L. (2016) An Investigation of Brand Experience and Brand Attachment, Knowledge and Trust in the Lodging Industry, Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, Vol 26, Issue 1, pp. 1-22
Khan, Marryam, Ro, Heejung, Gregory, Amy, M. & Hara, Tadayuki. (2016). Gender dynamics from an Arab perspective: Intercultural service encounters, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 57(1), 51-65.
Kizildag, M., Okumus, B., and Hutchinson, J. (In-Press, 2016). Food waste and financial performance: Should Olive Garden drop unlimited breadsticks and salad from its menu? Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Cases.
Knott, B., Fyall, A. and Jones, I. (2016) Leveraging Nation Branding Opportunities Through Sport Mega-Events, International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, Vol 10, Issue 1, pp. 105-118
Koseoglu, M., Ross, G. and Okumus, F. (2016). Competitive Intelligence Practices in Hotels. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 53(1), 161-172. (SSCI)
Lederer, Z., Van Niekerk, M. and Okumus, F. (accepted for publication). Burnout in the Hospitality Industry: The Case of a Restaurant Manager. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Cases, 5 (4).
Lee, Seung Hyun & Ro, Heejung.(2016). The impact of online reviews on attitude changes: The differential effects of review attributes and consumer knowledge, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 56, 1-9. (SSCI)
Lee, J., & Severt, D. (Accepted) The role of hospitality service quality in third places for the elderly: An exploratory study, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. (SSCI)
Lee, J. (Accepted). Assessment of organizational climate in the restaurant industry, Journal of Foodservice Business Research.
Lee, J.M., Lee, J., & Breiter, D. (2016). Relationship marketing investment, relationship quality, and behavioral intention: In the context of the relationship between destination marketing organizations and meeting/convention planners, Journal of Convention & Event Tourism, 17(1).
Line, N., and Wang, Y.C. (2016). A Multi-stakeholder Market Orientated Approach to Destination Marketing. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management (SSCI). In press.
Line, N., and Wang, Y.C. (2016). A Market-oriented Approach to Destination Marketing. Journal of Travel Research (SSCI journal). In press.
Luo, Z.P., Wang, Y.C., Marnburg, E., and Ogaard, T. (2016). How Is Leadership Related to Employee Self-concept? International Journal of Hospitality Management (SSCI journal). In press.
Makki, A., Ozturk, A. B., & Singh, D. (Accepted). Role of Risk, Self-Efficacy and Innovativeness on Behavioral Intentions for Mobile Payment Systems in the Restaurant Industry. Journal of Foodservice Business Research.
Manthiou, A., Kang, J., Chiang, L., & Tang. L. (2016). Investigating the effects of memorable experiences: An extended model of script theory. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 33(3), 362-379. (SSCI)
Miao, L., & Wei, W. (2016). Consumers’ pro-environmental behavior and its determinants in the lodging segment. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 40(3), 319-338. (SSCI)
Morosan, C., Hua, N. & DeFranco, A. (in press). “Examining the structural effect of e-commerce expenses on the financial performance in American upper midscale hotels: Evidence from a match sample analysis.” Tourism Analysis.
Murphy, K. S, Severt, D., Orlowski, M. (2016). Commitment and conflict in the restaurant industry: Perceptions from the Generation Y viewpoint. Journal of Foodservice Business Research. In press
Okumus, B., Bilgihan, A., & Ozturk, A. B. (in press). Factors affecting the acceptance of smartphone diet applications. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management.
Okumus, F. Karamustafa, K., Sariisik, M., Ulema, S. and Turkay, O. (accepted for publication). Career Paths of Hotel General Managers in Turkey. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. (HRM). DOI: 10.1080/10941665.2016.1140660
Orlowski, M. Murphy, K.S., and Severt, D. (2016) Conflict and Commitment In The Restaurant Industry: Perceptions From The Generation Y Viewpoint, Journal of Foodservice Business Research
Ozturk, A., Bilgihan, A., Nusair, K., and Okumus, F. (accepted for publication). What Keeps the Mobile Hotel Booking Users Loyal? Investigating the Roles of Self-Efficacy, Compatibility, Perceived Ease of Use, and Perceived Convenience. International Journal of Information Management.
Ozturk, A. B. (2016).Customer acceptance of cashless payment systems in the hospitality industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28(4), 801-817. (SSCI)
Park, K., Ha, J., & Park, J. Y. (in press). Which restaurant should I choose?: Herd behavior in restaurant industry. Journal of Foodservice Business Research.
Pizam, A. (2016) The Jihadists’ Holy War on the Hospitality and Tourism Industries, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol 53, pp. 173-174
Ridderstaat, J., Croes, R. and Nijkamp, P. (2016) A two-way casual chain between tourism development and quality of life in a small island destination: An empirical analysis, Journal of Sustainable Tourism
Ridderstaat, J., Croes, R. and Nijkamp, P. (2016) The Tourism Development – Quality of Life Nexus in a small island destination, Journal of Travel Research, Vol 55 Issue 1, pp.79-94
Rivera, M., Croes, R., & Lee, S. (2016). Tourism development and happiness: A residents’ perspective. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 5(1), 5-15. (SSCI)
Schwartz, Z., Altin, M., & Singal, M. (2016). Lodging performance metrics and strategic revenue management practices: RevPAR vs. GOPPAR. Journal of Revenue & Pricing Management.
Schwartz, Z., Uysal, M., Webb, T., & Altin, M. (2016). Hotel daily occupancy forecasting with competitive sets: a recursive algorithm. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28(2). (SSCI)
Singh, D., Torres, E.N., Robertson-Ring, A. (2016) Playing for First Place: An Analysis of Online Reviews and their Impact on Local Market Rankings, Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research, Vol 4, Issue 1, pp.32-51
Singh, D. (In Press). Credit Availability and Capital Structures: Does Size Matter? An Analysis of the U.S. Lodging Industry. Submitted to Journal of Hospitality Financial Management.
Tasci, A.D.A., and Semrad, K.J. (2016) Developing a Scale of Hospitableness: A Tale of Two Worlds, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol 53, pp 30-41
Tasci, A.D.A., Hahm, J., & Breiter, D. (under 1st review). Consumer-based brand equity of a destination: Perceptions of sports tourists and non-sports tourists. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing [SSCI]
Tasci, A.D.A., Hahm, J., & Breiter, D. (under 1st review). Sports tourists and non-sports tourists: Are they different in terms of socio-demographics, psychographics, or behavior? Event Management.
Torres, E.N. (2016) Guest Interactions and the Formation of Memorable Experiences: An Ethnography, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol 28, Issue 10, pp. 2132-2155
Torres, E.N. and Mejia, C. (2016) Asynchronous Video Interviews in the Hospitality Industry: Considerations for Virtual Employee Selection, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol 61, pp. 4-13
Torres E.N. and Orlowski, M. (2016) Let’s ‘Meetup’ at the Theme Park, Journal of Vacation Marketing
Torres, E.N. and Singh, D. (2016) Towards a Model of Electronic Word-of-Mouth and Its Impact on the Hotel Industry, International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, Vol 17, Issue 4, pp. 472-489
Torres, E.N., van Niekerk, M. and Orlowski, M. (2016) Customer and Employee Incivility and Its Casual Effects in the Hospitality Industry, Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, Vol 26 Issue 1, pp. 48-66
Wei,W., Torres, E.N. and Hua, N. (2016) Improving Consumer Commitment Through the Integration of Self-service Echnologies: A Transcendent Consumer Experience Perspective, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol 59, pp. 105-115
Yang, Y. Mueller, N.J. and Croes, R. (2016) Market Assesibility and Hotel Prices in the Caribbean: The moderating effect of quality-signaling factors, Tourism Management, Vol 56, pp 40-51
Youn, H., Hua, N., & Lee, S. (in press). “Does Size Matter? Corporate Social Responsibility in the Restaurant Industry.” International Journal of Hospitality Management. (SSCI)
Conference Proceedings
Bilgihan, A., Ozturk, A. B., Salehi-Esfahani*, S., & Hua, N. (2016). Determinants of Near-Field Communication based Mobile Payment Technology in the Restaurant Industry. IHITA 22nd Annual Research Conference, June 19, 2016, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. (accepted).
Breiter, D. and Holm, M. (2016) Relationship management: Meeting planners and DMOS. ICHRIE Annual Conference. Grapevine, TX.
Gajjar, T., Chen, P. and Okumus, F. (2016). Diversity Management Practices of the Top 5 Hospitality and Tourism Companies, 21st Annual Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism. Temple University, January 7-9, 2016 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA (stand up presentation).
Gajjar, T., Chen, P. and Okumus, F. (2016). Developing a Holistic Diversity Management Framework within the Hospitality Industry, 21st Annual Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism. Temple University, January 7-9, 2016 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA (poster presentation).
Gajjar, T., & Wei, W. (2016, October). Negative customer-to-customer interactions (CCIs) in theme parks: A cross-cultural perspective. European Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education, Budapest, Hungary, Oct. 26-28.
Hight, K., & Park, J. Y. (2016). The impact of payment methods on restaurant employee’s abusive behaviors: Applications of regulatory focus theory. 21st Annual Graduate Education & Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Philadelphia, USA.
Holm, M. and Breiter, D. (2016) Meeting planner loyalty to convention services managers: An investigation of CSMs emotional and functional competence in the business-to-business exchange. Global Events Congress VII, Indianapolis, IN.
Kang, J. & Kwun, D. (May, 2016). An investigation of cruisers’ referral intentions. Academy of Global Hospitality & Tourism Conference (AGHTC), Seoul, Korea.
Logan, Ron. (2016). The Business of Show Business. Entertainment Arts…Arts that Make Money! UCF Executive Development Center International Residency EOI EMBA Program Cohort IR, Orlando, FL 22-27 May 2016.
Madanoglu, M., & Kizildag, M. (Accepted. January, 2016). Optimal cash, uncertainty, and performance of Restaurant firms. International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education (ICHRIE) Annual Conference and Market Place. Dallas, TX.
Mejia, C., Wei, W., & Wang, Y. (2016, May). Are you with me? Examining the driving factors for copresence in WeChat among Chinese tourists. 14th Asia-Pacific Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education, Bangkok, Thailand, May 11-13.
Mejia, C., Wang, Y.C., Lu, J., and Wang, K (2016). The Emergence of Senior Living in Mainland China: Hospitality and Service Standards. Proceeding of APacCHRIE Conference, May 2016,Bangkok,Thailand.
Murphy, K., Riveria, M., Mejia, C., & Cobos, L. (2016). Experiences outside the Classroom: The Value of Hospitality Study Abroad Externship for Chinese Students in the Disney College Program. APacCHRIE, May 11-13, Bangkok, Thailand.
Park, J., & Kizildag, M. (Accepted. October, 2016). Do firms’ operational efforts to satisfy customers benefit their financial outcomes? EuroCHRIE Conference. Budapest, Hungary.
Templeton, A., Fjelstul, J. and Fyall, A. (2016). Sustainable Drive Tourism Routes: A Comparative Study. 21st Annual Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism. January, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Templeton, A., Fjelstul, J., & Fyall, A. (2016). Sustainable Drive Tourism Routes: A Comparative Study. 21st Annual Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism. Spring, 2016, Philadelphia, PA.
Wei, W., Torres, E., & Hua, N. (2016, June). The role of self-service technologies in improving consumer commitment: A transcendent consumer experience perspective. International Hospitality Information Technology Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, U.S.A., June 19.
Wei, W., & Miao, L. (2016, July). Exploring memorable experiences in customer-customer interactions (CCIs) at conferences. International Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education, Dalla/Grapevine, Texas U.S.A., July 20-22.
Wei, W., Miao, L., Cai, L., & Adler, H. (2016, May). Modeling Attendee Experiences in Customer-Customer Encounters (CCEs). 14th Asia-Pacific Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education, Bangkok, Thailand, May 11-13.
Wei, W., Mejia, C., & Wang, Y. (2016, May). The role of engagement and copresence among Chinese travelers using social media. 2nd Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference, Hong Kong, China, May 16-18.
Wei, W., Lu, Y., Miao, L., Cai, L., & Wang, C. (2016, May). Customer-Customer Interactions (CCIs) at Conferences: An Identity Approach. 2nd Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference, Hong Kong, China, May 16-18.
Wei, W., Torres, E. A., & Hua, N. (2016). “The Role of Self-Service Technologies in Improving Consumer Commitment: A Transcendent Consumer Experience Perspective.” Proceedings. 2016 iHITA Conference.
Wiitala, J. & Hahm, J. (2016). Crisis expansion: How perceived image affects opportunities for tourism in Egypt. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Graduate Education & Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality & Tourism, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.