2014 Faculty Publications
Encyclopedia Entries
Van Niekerk, M. (2014). Landmark, Tourism. In J. Jafari & H. Xiao (eds.). Encyclopedia of Tourism, Springer, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-01669-6_653-1
External Award
2nd Place Johnson & Wales Case Study Competition; International CHRIE July 2014 Mejia, C. & Lavendol, V. 2014: “Who’s the boss? Millennials managing across generations in the hospitality industry”. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Cases 2 (4), 11-20
Journal Articles
Albus, Heidi & Ro, Heejung. (2014). Corporate social responsibility: The effect of green practices in a service recovery. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research (SSCI journal). In press.
Barreda, A., Nusair, K. Okumus, A. and Bilgihan, A. (2014 accepted for publication). The Mediating effect of Virtual Interactivity in Travel Related Online Social Network Websites. International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration.
Bilgihan, A., Nusair, K. & Okumus, F. (2014). Hotel Website Features, Online Customer Experience and E-loyalty. The Services Industries Journal (SSCI journal). In press.
Bilgihan, A., Nusair, K., Okumus, F. & Bujisic, M. (2014). The Role of Demographics in Predicting e-Loyalty in Social Network Websites. Journal of Information Science and Technology, 9 (2). In press.
Bilgihan, A. Okumus, F. & Nusair, K. (2014). Online Hotel Booking Experience: Flow Theory, Measuring Online Customer Experience and Managerial Implications, Journal of Information Technology & Tourism. 14, 49-71.
Bujisic, M., Hutchinson, J., & Bilgihan, F. (2014). The Application of Revenue Management in Beverage Operations. Journal of Foodservice Business Research. 17(4). In press.
Bujisic, M., Hutchinson, J., & Parsa, H.G. (2014), The Effect of Ambiance, Food, and Service Quality on Restaurant Customer Behavioral Intentions. International Journal Contemporary Hospitality Management. In press.
Chan, E., Hon, A., Chan. W and Okumus, F. (2014). An Empirical Study of Environmental Practices and Employee Ecological Behavior in the Hotel Industry. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research (SSCI journal). In press.
Chan, E. Hon, A. Chan, W. and Okumus, F. (2014). What Drives Employees’ Intentional to Implement Green Practices in Hotels? The Role of Knowledge, Awareness, Concern and Ecological Behaviour. International Journal of Hospitality Management (SSCI journal), 40, 20-28.
Chang, Y., Ko, Y. J., Tasci, A.D.A., Akiko, A., & Kim, T. (2014). Strategic matches of athlete endorsement in global markets: An associative learning perspective. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship. In press.
Chathoth, P. Ungson, B. Altinay, L. Chan, E., Harrington, R. & Okumus, F. (2014). Barriers affecting organizational adoption of higher order customer engagement in tourism service interactions, Tourism Management (SSCI journal), 42, 181-192.
Chathoth, P. Ungson, G., Harrington, R. Altinay, L. Okumus, F. and Chan, E. (2014). Conceptualization of Value Co-Creation in the Tourism Context, Prebensen, N. Chen, J. and Uysal, M. (Eds) Co-Creation of Experience Value A Tourist Behaviour Approach. In press.
Croes, R. (2014). The role of tourism in poverty reduction: An empirical assessment. Tourism Economics, 20(2), 207-226.
Croes, R. (2014). Tourism and Poverty Reduction in Latin America: where does the region stand? Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes Journal, 6(3), 261-276.
Ernest Lasten and Abraham Pizam, “A Blueprint/Model for Planning and Designing Staged-Authentic Heritage Attractions” Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, Vol. 11, No. 2 (2014), pp.1-21.
Fjelstul, J. (2014). RV Association Members’ Profile: A Demographic Segmentation and Lifestyle Exploration. Journal of Tourism Insights. In press.
Fjelstul, J. & Fyall, A. (2014). Sustainable Drive Tourism: A catalyst for change. International Journal of Tourism Research. In press.
Fyall, A. (2014). Marketing Collaboration. McCabe, S. (ed). Handbook of Tourism Marketing. Routledge: Abingdon, pp.151-164. ISBN 978-0-415-59703-6.
Ghiselli, R., Lee, J., & Almanza, B. (2014) Foodservice design: assessing the importance of physical features to older consumers, Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 17(4). In press.
Gregory, A. M., Parsa, H. G., Nusair, K., Kwun, D. J., & Putreyu, S. (2014). Application of the Kano Model in Understanding Consumer Preferences and Product Attributes in the Vacation Ownership Industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. In press.
Gregory, A., Parsa, H.G., Nusair, K., Kwun, D., & Putrevu, S. (2014) Assessment of product and service attributes and consumers’ preferences in the vacation ownership industry using the Kano model, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 27(1). In press.
Harris, K.J., DiPietro, R.B., Murphy, K.S., Rivera, G., (2014). Critical Food Safety Violations in Florida: Relationship to Location and Chain vs. Non-Chain Restaurants. International Journal of Hospitality Management (SSCI journal), 38, 57-64.
Hayat, A., Severt, K., Breiter, D., Nusair, K. and Okumus, F. (2014). Attributes influencing meeting planners’ destination selection: A case of Orlando, FL. Event Management. In press.
Hoppen, A., Brown, L. and Fyall, A. (2014). Literary Tourism: Opportunities and Challenges for the Marketing and Branding of Destinations. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 3(1), 37-47.
Hyun, S.H. & Kang, J. (2014). A better investment in luxury restaurants: Environmental or non-environmental cues. International Journal of Hospitality Management. In press.
Jang, Yeajin, Ro, Heejung, & Kim, Tae-hee. (2014). Social-servicescape: The impact of social factors on restaurant image and return intentions. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration. In press.
Jun, J., Kang, J., & Wohlsdorf-Arendt, S. (2014). The effects of health value on healthful food selection at restaurants: Considering the role of attitudes toward taste and healthfulness of healthy foods. International Journal of Hospitality Management. In press.
Kang, J., Tang, R., & Fiore, A. (2014). Enhancing consumer-brand relationships on restaurant Facebook Fan Pages: Maximizing consumer benefits and increasing active participation. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 36, 145-155.
Kang, J., Tang, L., and Lee, J. Y. (2014). Self-Congruity and Functional Congruity in Brand Loyalty. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. In press.
Kasim, A., Gursoy, D., Okumus, F. Wong, A. & Mahasneh, M. (2014). The Importance of water management in hotels: A framework for sustainability through innovation. Journal of Sustainable Tourism (SSCI journal). In press.
Kim, G., Ro, H., & Hutchinson, J., & Kwun, D. J. (2014). The effect of jay-customer behaviors on employee job stress and job satisfaction. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management Administration. In press.
Kizildag, M. (2014). Underlying factors of Ups and Downs in financial leverage overtime. International Journal of Hospitality Management. In press.
Leask, A., Fyall, A. and Barron, P. (2014). Generation Y: An Agenda for Future Visitor Attraction Research. International Journal of Tourism Research (SSCI journal). In press.
Lee, J. Choi, Y. and Breiter, D. (2014). An exploratory study of convention destination competitiveness from attendees’ perspective: IPA and repeated measures of MANOVA. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research (SSCI journal). In press.
Madanoglu, M., Okumus, F. & Avci, U. (2014). Building a Case against Strategic Equifinality: Hybrid Ideal Type Service Organizations in a Developing Country, Management Decision (SSCI journal), 52 (6).
Manthiou, K., Kang, J., & Schrier, T. (2014). A visitor-based brand equity perspective: The case of a public festival. Tourism Review. In press.
Mejia, C. & Lavendol, V. 2014: “Who’s the boss? Millennials managing across generations in the hospitality industry”. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Cases 2 (4) 11-20
Milman, A. & Dickson, D. R. (2014). Employment characteristics and retention predictors among hourly employees in large U.S. theme parks and attractions. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 26(3). In press.
Murphy, K. S., Bilgihan, A., Boseo, M. & Kubickova, M. (2014) There is no ‘I’ in recovery: Hotel Managements’ perspective of Service Recovery. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism. 16 (3). In press.
Murphy, K. S., Khan, M. (2014). Cultural Dimensions In A Restaurant Setting. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Case Studies. In press.
Okumus, F. Koyuncu, M. Gunlu, E. (2014). Strategic Management. Seckin Publishing, Ankara, Turkey (in Turkish). (2nd Edition).
Olsen, E. & Murphy, K. S., Ro, H. (2014). An Exploratory Study of Home Brewers’ Motivational Factors. Journal of Food Service Business Research. 17 (3). In press.
Ozturk, B. A., & Hancer, M. (2014). Hotel and IT decision maker characteristics and information technology adoption relationship in the hotel Industry. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 5(2). In press.
Ozturk, B. A., Hancer, M. & Wang, C. Y. (2014). Interpersonal trust, organizational culture and turnover intention in hotels: A cross level perspective. Tourism Analysis, 19(2). In press.
Ozturk, A. & Van Niekerk, M. 2014. A journey over a decade: Volume or value a policy decision for Turkey’s tourism industry. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management. In press.
Ozturk, B. A., & Van Niekerk, M. (2014). Volume or Value: A Policy decision for Turkey’s tourism industry. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management. In press.
Pizam, A. “Are Tourist Destinations Healthy?” International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 39, pp. 164-166, (2014).
Pizam, A. “Guest Engagement or Service Efficiency?” International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 40, pp. 150-151 (2014).
Pizam, A. “Hotel Fees: A Minor Irritant or a New Trend?” International Journal of Hospitality Management,Vol. 44, pp. 172-173 (2014).
Pizam, A. “Hotels for Business Women Travelers” International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 41, pp. 158-159, (2014).
Pizam, A. “Hotel Online Privacy” International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 35, p. A1, (2014).
Pizam, A. “Peer-to-Peer Travel: Blessing or Blight” International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 38, 118-119, (2014).
Pizam, A. “Senior Living Facilities: the New Frontier of Hospitality Management” International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 43, pp.145-146, (2014).
Pizam, A. “The Need for Cross-Cultural Competence Training” International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 37, pp. A1-A2, (2014).
Pizam, A. “The Preferential Treatment of STEM Disciplines” International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 36, pp. A1-A2, (2014).
Reichel, A., Fuchs, G., Pizam, A. and Poria, Y., “Occupational Self-Perceptions of Hotel Employees: An Exploratory Study,” Tourism Analysis. Vol. 19, No. 5, (2014) pp.
Ridderstaat, J., Croes, R. and Nijkamp, P. (2014). The Tourism Development- Quality of Life Nexus in a small island destination. Journal of Travel Research. In press.
Ridderstaat, J., Oduber, M., Croes, R., Nijkamp, P. & Martens, P. (2014). Impacts of Seasonal Patterns of Climate on Recurrent Fluctuations in Tourism demand: Evidence from Aruba. Tourism Management, 41, 245-256.
Ro, Heejung. (2014). Complaint, patience, and neglect: Responses to a dissatisfying service experience. Service Business, 8(2), 192-216.
Ro, Heejung. (2014). Customer dissatisfaction responses to the restaurant service failures: Insights into non-complainers from a relational perspective. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management. In press.
Ro, Heejung & Olson, Eric. D. (2014). The effects of social justice and stigma-consciousness on gay customers’ service recovery evaluation. Journal of Business Research (SSCI journal), 67(6), 1162-1169.
Semrad, K. & Villanueva, J. B. (2014). The tragedy of the commons: A dilemma in the use of backward economic linkages. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes Journal. In press.
Tang, C.H., & Lee, J. (2014). Employee satisfaction and long-run shareholder returns. The Service Industries Journal (SSCI journal). In press.
Tarca, S., Murphy, K. S. (2014). Restaurant Inspecting for Success: An Investigation of Sanitation Inspection Rating Systems Across the United States. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Case Studies. In press.
Tasci, A.D.A., Croes, R., & Bartels, J. (2014). Rise and Fall of Community-Based Tourism – Facilitators, Inhibitors and Outcomes. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes. In press.
Tasci, A., Croes, R. and Bartels, J. (2014). The Dance of Nash and Karenina in Community-Based Tourism Marketing and Branding. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 6(3), 293-300.
Tasci, A.D.A., Denizci-Guillet, B. & Gartner, W. C. (2014). Hospitality industry uniforms as an element of destination brands. Tourism Review. In press.
Tasci, A., Pizam, A. and Croes, R., “The Return on Investment for Undergraduate Degrees in Hospitality and Tourism Management, accepted for publication in Tourism Economics.
Torres, E. (2014). Deconstructing service quality and customer satisfaction: Challenges and directions for future research. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 23 (7). In press.
Torres, E., Adler, H., & Behnke, C. (2014). Stars, diamonds, and other shiny things: The use of expert and consumer feedback in the hotel industry. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. In press.
Torres, E., Fu, X., & Lehto, X. (2014). Examining the key drivers of customer delight in a hotel experience: A cross-cultural perspective. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 36, 255-262.
Torres, E., Fu, X., Lehto, X. (2014). What Drives Customer Delight: Exploring gender differences in the delight experience. Tourism Review. In press.
Van Niekerk, M. (2014). Advocating community participation and integrated tourism development planning in local destinations: The case of South Africa. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 3 (2), 82-84.
Van Niekerk, M. (2014). The role of the public sector in tourism destination management from a network relationship approach. Tourism Analysis. In press.
Van Niekerk, M. and Pizam, A. (2014). How do tourism and terrorism co-exist in turbulent times? Event International.
Wang, Y.C., and Pizam, A. (2014). Tourism Destination Marketing and Management: Theories and Applications. Beijing: China Tourism Publishing (Chinese version).
Yilmaz, S.S., & Tasci, A.D.A. (2014). Circumstantial Impact of Contact on Social Distance. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change. In press.
Conference Proceedings
Berezina, K. and Semrad, K. (2014). “Do flash sales work? Finally, we have an understanding: Flash sales evaluation framework”. Forthcoming Proceedings of the 2014 iHITA Annual Research Conference, Los Angeles, CA, June 21 – 24.
Berezina, K. and Semrad, K. (2014). “Flash sales in the hotel industry: Research directions”. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Graduate Education & Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Houston, TX, January 3-5, 2013.
Bilgihan, A., Okumus, B., & Ozturk, B. A. (2014). Factors Affecting Consumers’ Intention to Use Smartphone Diet Apps as Tools to Promote Healthy Eating Behavior. IHITA 21th Annual Research Conference, June 22, 2014, Los Angeles, CA, USA (accepted).
Bujisic, M., Nusair, K. (2014). BEVQUAL: A Tool for Measuring Quality in Beverage Operations, 19th Annual Graduate Education & Graduate Student Research, Houston, TX.
Bujisic, M., & Nusair, K. (2014). Customer Experience and Quality in Hedonic and Utilitarian Retail Settings. 7th Quality Conference in The Middle East, Dubai
Croes, R. and Semrad, K. (2014). Organizational infrastructure challenges in the tourism and MEEC industries that impede urban renewal strategies: The case of Guayaquil, Ecuador. The 4th Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management Conference, June 25-27, Mauritius.
Croes, R., Van Niekerk, M. & Whitwam, S. 2014. Tourism specialization and quality of life in small island destinations. Tourism Research Symposium 2014, Malta, 16-17 July 2014.
Holm, M., Murphy, K.S. (2014). CVB vs. DMC: An Exploration of Business Models. 19th Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Houston, Texas, January 3-5, 2014.
Ingram, W. M., Murphy, K. S. (2014). How and Why Recruiters Choose Hospitality and Tourism Programs for Hiring and the Importance of Advance Degrees to the Process. 19th Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Houston, Texas, January 3-5, 2014.
Kizildag, M., Khalilzadeh, J. (2014, May). Ex-post return efficiency of the investment trust funds using data envelopment analysis with higher-order moments framework. Paper presented at the Global Interdisciplinary Business-Economics Advancement Conference (GIBA). Tampa, FL.
Mejia, C. (2014). Increased student satisfaction through the use of ‘Storify’ curation software in a hospitality course project. ICHRIE 2014 Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, July 30 – August 1, 2014.
Mejia, C. & Phelan, K. V. (2014). Getting them ready for China: Preparing higher education students for global competence in the hospitality industry. ICHRIE 2014 Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, July 30 – August 1, 2014.
Mejia, C. & Wang, Y. (2014). The mediating role of LMX between societal protocols and retention of hotel workers in China: A qualitative investigation. ICHRIE 2014 Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, July 30 – August 1, 2014.
Mejia, C. & Wang, Y. (2014). Turnover among Chinese hotel workers: The relationship between societal protocols, LMX, and job satisfaction. Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference and Asia Tourism Forum, Hong Kong, 18-20 May 2014.
Mejia, C, Wang, Y., & Zhou, Y.-Q. (2014). Case study of hotel job information sources in Hangzhou, China: A social networking perspective. Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference and Asia Tourism Forum, Hong Kong, 18-20 May 2014.
Ozturk, B. A., Nusair, K., & Okumus, F. (2014). Examining the antecedents of loyalty intention in mobile hotel booking environment. IHITA 21th Annual Research Conference, June 22, 2014, Los Angeles, CA, USA (accepted).
Ozturk, A. & Van Niekerk, M. 2014. Consumer Acceptance of Near Field Communication (NFC) Technology in the Hospitality Industry, GIBA Clear Water, Florida Conference. May 2014.
Ozturk, B. A., & Van Niekerk, M. (2014). Near field communication technology (NFC) in the Hoispitality Industry. Global Interdiciplinary Business-Economics Advancement Conference, 15-18 May, 2014, Tampa, FL, USA.
Semrad, K., Croes, R. and Villanueva, J. B. (2014). The Tragedy of the Commons and coordination problems within a developing country’s tourism industry. The 4th Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management Conference, June 25-27, Mauritius.
Torres, Singh, and Robertson-Ring (2014). CHRIE 2014- Assessing the impact of lodging properties online feedback on their financial performance.
Torres, E. & Van Niekerk, M. 2014. Incivility in a civilized environment: New perspectives from the hotel industry. EuroCHRIE, Dubai, August 2014.
Van Niekerk, M. 2014. First Time Festivals: What festival organizers can learn from festivalattendees. Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference and Asia Tourism Forum, Hong Kong, 18-20 May 2014.
Van Niekerk, M. & Ozturk, A. 2014. Developing a strategic framework for terrorism prevention and mitigation in sport events and festivals in the USA. 4Th Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management Mauritius, 25-27 June 2014.