2010 Faculty Publications
Aiello, T., Severt, D., Rompf, P.D., Breiter, D. (2010). A Fundamental Exploration of Administrative Views of Hospital Hospitality and Service Excellence. Advances in Hospitality and Leisure. 6, 185-211.
Allison, P., Severt, D., Dickson, D.R. (2010). Mystery shopper motivations: A grounded theory analysis. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management. 19(6), 629-657.
Altinay, L. & Okumus, F. (2010). Franchising Decision Making. Service Industries Journal. 30(8), 929-946.
Avci, U., Kilic, I., Okumus, F. (2010). An Empirical Investigation into Organizational Learning in Hotel Organization. Ege Academic Review. 10(1), 95-115.
Avery, B. & Dickson, D.R. (2010). Insight into amusement park ride and device safety in the United States. World Hospitality and Tourism Themes. 2(3), 299-315.
Bardes, M., Ford, R.C., Dickson, D.R., Folger, R. (2010). Customer mistreatment: A test of the triangle model. Journal of Service Management. 21(4), 515-530.
Chen. P. (2010). Differences between male and female sport event tourists: A qualitative study. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 29(2), 277-290. (SSCI Journal).
Choi, Y. & Dickson, D.R. (2010). A Case Study into the Benefits of Management Training Programs: Impacts on Hotel Employee Turnover and Satisfaction Level. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism. 9(1), 1-14.
Croes, R. (2010). Anatomy of demand in international tourism: The case of Aruba. Saarbrucken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing.
Croes, R. (2010). Measuring and explaining competitiveness in the context of small island destinations. Journal of Travel Research, 1-12.
Croes, R. & Rivera, M. (2010). Testing the impact of tourism on competitiveness: The case of Puerto Rico, Tourism Economics. 16(1), 217-234.
Croes, R., Shani, A., Walls, A. (2010). The value of destination loyalty: Myth or reality? Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management. 19(2), 115-136.
Dickson, D.R. & Ford, R.C. (2010). Founding a science of service: A discussion with IBM’s Jim Spoher. Journal of Applied Management & Entrepreneurship. 15(3), 94-110.
Dickson, D.R. & Nusair, K. (2010). The global hunt for talent in the digital age. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes. 2(1), 86-93.
DiPietro, R. & Wang, Y.C. (2010). Key Issues for ICT Applications: Impacts and Implications for Hospitality Operations. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes. 2(1), 49-67.
Fan, C., Tian, Y., Hutchinson, J. (2010). The Impact on Supplier Integration and Organizational Performance. Journal of International Business Management & Research. 1(1), 14-28.
Fjelstul, J, Severt, K., Breiter, D. (2010). Building association attendance: Differences between Chapter, regional, and annual meetings from the perception of the association members. Event Management. 14(3), 183-192.
Gregory, A., Wang, Y.C., DiPietro, R. (2010). Towards a Functional Model of Website Evaluation: An Application on Casual Dining Restaurants. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes. 2(1), 68-85.
Hara, T. (2010). Source of Innovation in Tourism Businesses” The Tourism Studies (Kanko Kenkyu). 21(2), 6-10.
Holcomb, J., Okumus, F., Bilgihan, A. (2010). Corporate Social Responsibility: What the Top Three Theme Parks in Orlando Reporting? Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Theme. 2(3), 316-337.
Hu, H. H., Parsa, H.G., Self, J. (2010). The Dynamics of Green Restaurant Patronage. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. 51(3), 344-362. (SSCI journal).
Hua, N. & Upneja, A. (2010). “Can We See the Intangibles? Valuation of Intangible Assets for Publicly Traded Hotel Firms in the United States.” International Journal of Revenue Management. 4(3/4), 306-326.
Hutchinson, J., Wang, Y.C., Lai, F. (2010). The Impact of Satisfaction Judgment on Behavioral Intentions: An Investigation of Golf Travelers. Journal of Vacation Marketing. 16(1), 45-59.
Hwang, J.H., Kwun, D., Kim, T. (2010). Information usage and dependency patterns among restaurant customers with different consumer values. Journal of Korean Academic Society of Hospitality Administration. 19(5), 175-185.
Kasavana, M., Nusair, K., Teodosic, K. (2010). Online social networking: redefining the Human Web. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 1(1).
Kaufman, T. & Scantlebury, M. (2010). Determining the timeshare owner-heritage/cultural tourist connection. Journal of Retail & Leisure Property. 9, 65-73.
Kawamura, S. & Hara, T. (2010). A Historical Perspective and Empirical Analysis on Development of Theme Parks in Japan. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes. 2(3), 238-250.
Kim, B., McCleary, K., Kaufman, T. (2010). The new generation in the industry: hospitality/tourism students’ career preferences, sources of information and career choice factors. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, 22(3), 5-11.
Kim, K. & Severt, D. (2010). Entertainment attendees judgments of satisfaction, quality, and the associated behavioral intentions: The Case of Cricket Arena and Ovens Auditorium. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing. (accepted).
Kracht, J. & Wang, Y.C. (2010). Examining the Tourism Distribution Channel: Evolution and Transformation. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 22(5), 736-757. (SSCI Journal).
Kracht, J. & Wang, Y.C. (2010). Revisiting the Tourism Distribution Channel: Technology, Intermediation, and Transformation. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 22(5), 736-757. (SSCI Journal).
Kwun, D. (2010). How extended hotel brands affect the Lodging Portfolio? Journal of Retail and Leisure Property. 9(3), 179-191.
Lee, J., Almanza, B., Nelson, D., Cai, L. (2010). Food safety at fairs and festivals: Vendor knowledge and violations at a regional festival, Event Management, 14.
Lee, J., Nelson, D., Almanza, B. (2010). The influence of individual health inspectors on the results of restaurant sanitation inspections: Empirical evidence, The Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management. 19(4), 326-339.
Lee, S. & Dickson, D. R. (2010). Increasing learning in the classroom through experiential learning programs outside the classroom. Journal of Hospitality Education. 22(3), 27-34.
Li, X., & Wang, Y.C. (2010). Evaluating the Effectiveness of Destination Marketing Websites in China. International Journal of Tourism Research. 12(5), 536-549. (SSCI Journal).
McDowall, S. & Choi, Y. (2010). Thailand’s Destination Image through the Eyes of Its Citizens. International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration. 11(3), 255-274.
McDowall, S. & Choi, Y. (2010). A Comparative Analysis of Thai Residents’ Perception of Tourism’s Impacts. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism. 11(1), 36-55.
Milman, A., Okumus, F., Dickson, D.R. (2010). The contribution of theme park and attractions to the social and economic sustainability of destinations. World Hospitality and Tourism Themes. 2(3) 338-345.
Milman, A. (2010). The Global Theme Park and Attraction Industry. Worldwide Hospitality & Tourism Themes (WHATT). 2(3), 220-237.
Murphy, K. S. & Williams, J. A. (2010). Human Resource Management High Performance Work Practices and Contextual Setting, Does Industry Matter? A Comparison of the U.S. Restaurant Sector to the Manufacturing Industry. Journal of Food Service Business Research. 13(4), 283-303.
Nusair, K., Naipaul, S., Yoon, H., Parsa, H.G. (2010). Effect of Price Discount Frames and price Discount Levels on Consumers’ Perceptions. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 22(6), 814-835. (SSCI Journal).
Nusair, K. & Hua, N. (2010). Comparative Assessment of Structural Equation Modeling and Multiple Regression Research Methodologies: E-commerce Context. Tourism Management. 31(3), 314-324.
Nusair, K., Hua, N., Xu, L. (2010). A Conceptual Framework of Relationship Commitment: E-Travel Agencies. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology. 1(2), 106-120.
Nusair, K., Yoon, H., Naipaul, S., Parsa, HG. (2010). Effects of price discount frames and price discount levels on consumers’ perceptions. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 22(10).
Okumus, F., Sariisik, M., Naipaul, S. (2010). Understanding Why Women Work in Tourism and Their Work Related Problems. International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration. 11(1), 76-105.
Perutkova, J., and H.G. Parsa (2010). Consumers’ Willingness to Pay and to Patronize according to Major Restaurant Attributes are Modified. UCF- Undergraduate Research Journal, 4 (2),1-11.
Parsa, H.G., Gregory, A., Terry, M. (2010). Why Do Restaurants Fail? Part III: An Analysis of Macro and Micro Factors. Emerging Aspects Redefining Tourism and Hospitality (EARTH), 1(1), 16-25.
Rivera, M. & Croes, R. (2010). Ecotourists’ loyalty: Will they tell about the destination or will they return? Journal of Ecotourism. 9(2), 85-103.
Shani, A., Chen, P., Wang, Y.C., Hua, N. (2010). Testing the Impact of a Promotional Video on Destination Image Change: Application of Peoples Republic of China as a Tourism Destination. International Journal of Tourism Research. 12(2), 116-133.
Shani, A. & Tesone, D.V. (2010). Have human resource information systems evolved into internal E-commmerce? Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes. 2(1), 30-48.
Shani, A., Chen, P., Wang, Y.C., Hua, N. (2010). Testing the Impact of a Promotional Video on Destination Image Change: Application of China as a Tourism Destination. International Journal of Tourism Research. 12, 116-133. (SSCI Journal).
Shani, A., Wang, Y.C., Hutchinson, J., Lai, F. (2010). Applying Expenditure-Based Segmentation on Special Interest Tourists: The Case of Golf Travelers. Journal of Travel Research. 49(3), 337-350.
Tesone, D.V., Upchurch, R., Ross, M.J. (2010). Problem solving propensity: applying problem solving inventory (PSI) to the field of event management. Event Management. (in press).
Upneja, A., Dalbor, M., Hua, N. (2010). Sequential impact of general interest rate changes on the interest expense of publicly traded lodging firms. Journal of Foodservice Business Research. 13(1), 37-41.
Upneja, A., Hua, N., Dalbor, M., Repetti, T. (2010). Increased Interest Expense and Management’s Expense Preference Behavior of Publicly-traded Restaurant Firms. Journal of Services Research, 10(1), 69-84.
Yasarata, M., Altinay, L., Burns, P., Okumus, F. (2010). Politics and Sustainable Tourism Development: Can they Co-exist? Evidence from North Cyprus. Tourism Management. 31(1), 345-356.
Yoon, H., Nusair, K., Parsa, H.G., Naipaul, S. (2010). Price formats, discounts and consumers’ perceptions: A comparison between hospitality and non-hospitality industries. Journal of Food and Business Service Review. 13(1).