2012 Faculty Publications
Alon, I., Ni, L.Q., and Wang, Y.C. (2012). Examining the Determinants of Hotel Chain Expansion through International Franchising. International Journal of Hospitality Management (SSCI journal), 31(2), 379-386.
Chen, H., Chen, P. (2012). Application of Perception-Promotion Matrix Model: The case of Kaohsiung City. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing 29 (2), 163-184.
Choi, G., & Parsa, H.G. (2012). Role of intangible assets in foreign market entry mode decisions: A longitudinal study of American lodging firms. International Journal of Hospitality Administration.
Choi, Y., & Ro, H. (2012). An empirical study of hospitality management student attitudes toward group projects: Instructional factors and team problems. Journal of College Teaching & Learning, 9(4), 303-312.
Croes, R. (2012). The role of tourism in poverty reduction: An empirical assessment. Tourism Economics Fast Track, doi:10.5367/te.2013.0275. (SSCI)
Croes, R. (2012). Una Exploracion de la Potencial del Turismo en la Lucha contra la Pobreza en America Latina. Dialogos, Octubre, 41-63.
Croes, R. (2012). Assessing tourism development from Sen’s capability approach. Journal of Travel Research. 51(5), 542-554. (SSCI)
Croes, R. and Semrad, K. (2012). Does Discounting Work in the Lodging Industry. Journal of Travel Research. 51(5), 617-631.(SSCI)
Croes, R. and Semrad, K. (2012). Discounting works. Tourism Economics 18(4), 769-780. (SSCI).
DiPietro, R., Parsa, H.G., & Gregory, A. (2012). Restaurant QSC inspections and financial performance: An empirical investigation. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (SSCI Journal).
Ford, R., Wang, Y.C., and Vestal, A. (2012). Power Asymmetries in Tourism Distribution Channels. Annals of Tourism Research (SSCI journal), 39(2), 755-779.
Fjelstul, J., Wang, Y.C., and Li, X. (2012). Examining the RV Travelers’ Camping Experience: A Social Media Approach. Tourism Analysis. 17(4), 403-415.
Ford, R. C., & Dickson, D. R. (2012). Enhancing customer self-efficacy in co-producing their service experiences. Business Horizons, 55(2) p179-188.
Ford, R. C., Edvardsson, B., Dickson, D. R., & Enquist, B. (2012). The service innovation duality challenge: Lessons from Disney and Ikea. Organizational Dynamics. 41 (4) p281-290.
Fyall, A., Garrod, B., and Wang, Y.C. (2012). Destination Collaboration: A Critical Review of Theoretical Approaches to A Multi-dimensional Phenomenon. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 9(1-2), 10-26.
Garrod, B., Fyall, A., Leask, A. and Reid, E. (2012). Engaging Residents as Stakeholders of the Visitor Attraction. Tourism Management, 33 (5), 1159-1173. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0261517711002391
Hartwell, H., Hemingway, A., Fyall, A., Filimonau, V. and Wall, S. (2012). Tourism Engaging with the Public Health Agenda: Can we Promote “Wellville” as a Destination of Choice? Public Health, 126, 1072-1074. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0033350612003198
Hua, N. & Nusair, K., & Upneja, A. (2012).”Financial characteristics and outperformance: Evidence from the lodging industry.” International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 24(4), 574-593.
Jun, J., Kang, J., & Wohlsdorf-Arendt, S. The effects of health values on healthful menu item selection and the mediating role of attitudes. International CHRIE Conference, Providence, Rhode Island, August, 2012.
Kang, J. & Hyun, S.H. (2012). The effective communication styles for the customer-oriented service employee: Inducing dedicational behaviors in luxury restaurant patrons. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31, 772-785.
Kang, J., Tang, R., & Fiore, A. The role of consumer benefits in increasing participation and its impact on hotel brands’ Facebook page. The 2012 TOSOK International Tourism Conference. Busan, South Korea, July 2012.
Kang, J., Tang, L., Lee, J., & Bosselman, R. (2012). Understanding customer behavior in name-brand Korean coffee shops: The role of self-congruity and functional congruity.
Kim, E., Kang, J., & Mattila, A. (2012). The impact of prevention versus promotion hope on CSR Activities. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31, 43-51.
Kim, K., Severt, D., (2012). Entertainment attendees’ judgments of satisfaction, quality, and the associated behavioral intentions: The Case of Cricket Arena and Ovens Auditorium. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, T(BA), 451-458.
Kim, Sun-Hwa, Ro, Heejung, & Choi, Youngsoo. (2012). What does “green” mean? – A conceptual framework of organizational green orientation. Advances in Food, Hospitality & Tourism, 2(1), 85-98.
Kwun, D. J. (2012). Brand management in the hospitality industry. Journal of Tourism & Hospitality, 1: e104. doi:10.4172/jth.1000e104.
Lee, J. (2012). (Accepted for stand-up presentation) Assessing organizational climate in foodservice establishments, The 2012 International CHRIE (Council of Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Educators) Conference. Providence, Rhode Island, August 1-4.
Lee, J., Nelson, D. & Almanza, B. (2012) Health inspection reports as predictors of specific training needs, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(2), 522-528.
Lee, S., & Lee, J. (2012). (Accepted for poster presentation) Does the deviation of transaction utility impact customers’ intention to stay at a hotel? The Seventeen Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Auburn, Alabama, January 5-7.
Lee, Seung, Bai, B. & Murphy, K. S. (2012). An Exploratoratory Study Of The Role Of Demographics In Influencing Guest Involvement When Obtaining A Discount. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management. 21 (8): 569-588.
Milman, A., Li, X., Wang, Y.C., and Yu, Q.Y. (2012). Examining the Guest Experience in Themed Amusement Parks: Preliminary Evidence from China. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 18(4), 313-325.
Milman, A. (2012). Postcards as representation of a destination image: The case of Berlin. Journal of Vacation Marketing. 18 (2), 157-170.
Murphy, K., Croes, R. and Chen, P. (2012). Agricultural y Turismo Internacional: El Modelo de Slow Food para Promover la Agricultura Local y Expandir Oportunidades para los Pobres en America Latina. Dialogos, Octubre, 65-82.
Murphy, K., Crose, R., & Chen, P. (2012). Turismo y Agricultura Un modelo de “Alimentación Lenta ” para la promoción de productos agrícolas locales por medio del Turismo en asistencia de los menos afortunados en LatinoAmérica. University of Costa Rica Journal.
Okumus, F. Avci, U. Kilic, I., & Walls, A. (2012). Cultural Tourism in Turkey: A Missed Opportunity. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 21 (6) 2012.
Ozturk, B. A., Hancer, M., & Jin Y. I. (2012). Job characteristics, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment for hotel workers. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management (accepted).
Ozturk, B. A., Palakurthi, R., Hancer, M. (2012). Organizational level RFID technology adoption in the hospitality industry. Tourism Analysis, 17(5), 629-642.
Parsa, H.G., Gregory, A., Self, J., & Dutta, K. (2012). Consumer Behaviour in Restaurants: Assessing the Importance of Restaurant Attributes in Consumer Patronage and Willingness to Pay, Journal of Services Research,12(2), 29-56.
Ridderstaat, J, Croes, R. and Nijkamp, P. (2012). Modelling Tourism Development and Long run Economic Growth in Aruba. International Journal of Tourism Research. DOI: 110.1002/jtr.1941. (SSCI)
Ro, Heejung. (2012). Moderator and mediator effects in hospitality research. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(3), 952-961.
Ro, Heejung, & Wong, June. (2012). Customer opportunistic complaints management: A critical incident approach. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(2), 419-427.
Shani, A., Croes, R. and Reichel, A. (2012). Evaluation of Segment Attractiveness by Risk-Adjusted Market Potential: First Time vs Repeat Visitors. Journal of Travel Research 51(2), 166-177. (SSCI)
Tesone, D.V. & Ricci, P. (2012). Hospitality expectations of entry-level college graduates: A preference for attitude over aptitude. European Journal of Business and Social Science. 1(6), 140-149.
Tesone, D.V. (Fall, 2012). Mental maturity and workplace motivation for hospitality and tourism practitioners. Journal of Tourism Research & Hospitality. 1(3) 1-6.
Torres, E.N., Adler, H. (2012) Hotel Executive’s choice of compensation strategy: An exploratory study. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism