Xiang Li Ph.D., The U.S.-Asia Center for Tourism & Hospitality Research
Prof. Xiang Li’s research mainly focuses on destination marketing and tourist behavior, with special emphasis on international destination branding, customer loyalty, and Chinese outbound tourism. He has been consistently listed among the world’s top 40 contributors to top-tier tourism journals/most cited tourism scholars and one of the top five contributors to China-related tourism and hospitality research in leading journals. His 2016 edited book “Chinese Outbound Tourism 2.0” is considered “the most comprehensive book to date that is crafted to exclusively examine the Chinese outbound tourist market.”
Prof. Li has worked with many prestigious organizations, government agencies, and corporations including the World Travel & Tourism Council, United States Department of Commerce/Office of Travel and Tourism Industries, Canadian Tourism Commission, China National Tourism Administration (CNTA), as well as numerous destination marketing organizations and companies such as Disney.