Rosen College Webinars
UCF Rosen College of Hospitality Management launched a series of webinars, beginning in the summer of 2020. The webinar series include:
- Abraham Pizam Dean’s Distinguished Lecture Series
- Dick Pope Sr. Insitute for Tourism Studies Research Colloquiums
- Research Recovery Rescaling
- Research Recovery & Reskill
The webinars are research-based, appealing to academics, industry partners and friends, alumni and students, as the topics range from business management to personal/professional development. All webinars are recorded live via Zoom and available on the Rosen College YouTube Channel. Links to the webinars have also been compiled on this page for your ease of viewing.
- October 28, 2020, Dean’s Distinguished Lecture Series: Jafar Jafari, Ph.D., Rome was not built in a day: 50 years of tourism scholarship
- November 13, 2020, Dean’s Distinguished Lecture Series: Arie Reichel, Ph.D., Sensation-seekers, risk-takers and dark heritage tourists
- December 10, 2020, Dean’s Distinguished Lecture Series: Brian King, Ph.D. (No video available/slides accessible HERE) Does tourism scholarship have a post-pandemic future?
- January 21, 2021, Dean’s Distinguished Lecture Series: Anna Mattila, Ph.D. , Today’s and tomorrow’s publication scene in hospitality and tourism research
- February 17, 2021, Dean’s Distinguished Lecture Series: Pauline Sheldon, Ph.D., New paradigms for a new tourism
- March 25, 2021, Dean’s Distinguished Lecture Series: Chris Ryan, Ph.D. , Tourism and hospitality research – From innovation to commodification
- April 21, 2021, Dean’s Distinguished Lecture Series: Josef A. Mazanec Ph.D., 40 Years of Tourism Research: Some methodological issues to think about
- April 29, 2021, Dean’s Distinguished Lecture Series: Abraham Pizam, Ph.D., The Academic Field of Hospitality Management: 50 Years Ago and Now
April 16, 2021 Research Colloquium
- Ladda Thiamwong PhD, RN, Assistant Professor, College of Nursing University of Central Florida
- Topic: Technology-based fall risk assessments for older adults in low-income settings
- Jeffrey Stout, Ph.D., Professor, School Director, College of Health Profession and Sciences University of Central Florida
- Topic: How exercise and nutrition can slow down or reverse the effects of getting old
March 19, 2021 Research Colloquium
- Denise Gammonley, Ph.D., LCSW, FGSA, Professor of Social Work, College of Health Professions and Sciences, University of Central Florida
- Topic: Using Virtual Reality to Teach Empathic Communication, Aging and Disability Awareness
- Mike Duignan Ph.D., Head of Department and Reader in Events, School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Surrey
- Topic: Entrepreneurial leveraging in liminoidal Olympic transit zones
February 12, 2021, Research Colloquium
- Alan Fyall, Ph.D. Associate Dean, Academic Affairs; Visit Orlando Endowed Chair of Tourism Marketing; Professor, UCF Rosen College; and
- Sergio Alvarez Ph.D. Assistant Professor, UCF Rosen College
- Topic: Tourism Vulnerability, Sustainability and Resilience
- Yuxiao Yang, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, College of Electrical Engineering at UCF Member, Society for Neuroscience
- Topic: Toward Personalized Health Care using Closed-Loop Brain-Machine Interfaces
January 15, 2021, Research Colloquium
- Maria Santana, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures, College of Arts and Humanities, UCF
- Topic: Interpreting Messages of Collaboration Among Interdisciplinary Research: Women and Research Globally
- Boon Peng NG, Ph.D. Healthcare Economist, Assistant Professor, College of Nursing, UCF
- Topic: Use of Secondary Data in Understanding the Relationship between Diabetes and Health Related Services
September 18, 2020, Research Colloquium
- Sergio Alvarez, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, UCF Rosen College
- Topic: The Economic Impact of Tropical Cyclones on Mature Destinations
- Melissa Farboudi, Ph.D., Post Doctoral Scholar, UCF Rosen College
- Topic: Antecedents of Hotel Employees’ Tendecy to Help Victims of Human Trafficking
October 16, 2020, Research Colloquium
- Piotr Zientara, Ph.D., Associate Professor, University of Gdansk, Poland
- Topic: CSR Practice in the Hotel Industry: A Case Study of Hilton’s Lightstay
- Valeriya Shapoval, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, UCF Rosen College
- Topic: Evaluation of COVID-19 Pandemic Effects on the Hospitaity Industry Using General Systems Theory, the Cases of USA, Israel and Sweden
- Webinar #1, Wednesday, May 20, 2020: The resilience and vulnerability of Small Lodgings in Florida: The Impact of COVID-19
- Webinar #2, Wednesday, May 27, 2020: The impact of COVID-19 on the vacation home industry in Florida
- Webinar #3, Wednesday, June 10, 2020: Travel intentions during COVID-19
- Webinar #4, Wednesday, July 15, 2020: Industry-Academia Partnerships and Implications for the Hospitality Industry During COVID-19
- Webinar #5, Wednesday, July 29, 2020: A Recipe for the Future: Innovation and Adaptation amid the Post COVID-19 Recovery
Summer 2020
- Webinar #1, Friday, May 15, 2020: Anticipated travel and tourism trends as a result of COVID-19 (Part 1)
- Webinar #2, Friday, May 29, 2020: Anticipated travel and tourism trends as a result of COVID-19 (Part 2)
- Webinar #3, Friday, June 12, 2020: Building Resilience During Challenging Times
- Webinar #4, Friday, June 26, 2020: Leadership, Communication and HR Strategies in Times of Crisis
- Webinar #5, Friday, July 10, 2020: Leading Through Technology, Innovation, and Change Management
- Webinar #6, Friday, July 24, 2020: Financial Implications of Crisis: Understanding the Impact
- Webinar #7, Friday, August 7, 2020: Personal Branding Strategies in an Adverse Business Environment
- Webinar #8, Friday, August 21, 2020: Mentoring: Enhancing Yourself and Your Career
Fall 2020
- Webinar #1, Thursday, September 24, 2020: Mentorship: Making Meaningful and Impactful Connections
- Webinar #2, Thursday, October 1, 2020: Mental Health Strategies for Dealing with Isolation
- Webinar #3, Thursday, October 8, 2020: Service with a Mask: Managing Emotions and Stress during COVID-19
- Webinar #4, Thursday, October 15, 2020: Lessons from Astronauts on Dealing with Isolation
- Webinar #5, Thursday, October 22, 2020: Finding Purpose: A Life Check Up
- Webinar #6, Thursday, November 5, 2020: The Personal Pivot, A Panel Discussion
- Webinar #7: Thursday, November 12, 2020: Events During a Pandemic: How to Create Impactful and Effective Virtual Experiences
Spring 2021
- Covid-19 Precautions in the Workplace: Thursday, February 25, 2021: Occupational safety management systems with Dr. Mark Friend