Robin Back
Robin Back Ph.D. CV Expertise: Consumer behavior, marketing, the wine industry, wine tourism, agritourism Robin M. Back, Ph.D., F.I.H., Associate Professor, Department of Foodservice & Lodging Management, Rosen College of Hospitality Management, University of Central Florida. Dr. Robin Back is Assistant Dean for Academic Policy for the College of Undergraduate Studies and a tenured Associate Professor […]
Wei Wei
Wei Wei, PhD. CV Expertise: Consumer Behavior/Experience/Psychology, Technology & Innovation, Human Resources Management Dr. Wei’s research interests include consumer behavior, experience, and psychology with a focus on consumer-to-consumer interactions, consumer engagement behavior, and consumer experience with emerging technologies. Her academic papers have been published by premium peer-reviewed journals, such as Tourism Management, Annals of Tourism Research, Journal […]
Jeong-Yeol Park
Jeong-Yeol Park CV Expertise: Hospitality and Tourism Marketing, Customers’ Purchasing Behavior and Consumption Emotions Dr. Park joined the Rosen College of Hospitality Management in August 2014. He received his Ph.D. in Hospitality and Tourism Management from Purdue University, and M.S. in the Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management at Sejong University, South Korea. He obtained […]
Xiaoxiao Fu
Xiaoxiao Fu CV Google Scholar Expertise: Consumer experience and well-being in tourism and hospitality, place marketing and branding, culture and emerging markets. Dr. Xiaoxiao Fu is a tenured Associate Professor and Ph.D. advisor at the Rosen College of Hospitality Management, University of Central Florida. She holds a Ph.D. in Tourism Management from Purdue University, a Master’s […]
Asli D. A. Tasci
Find Dr. Tasci on: Academia | Credly | ExpertNet | Google Scholar | LinkedIn | Microsoft Academic | ResearchGate Expertise: Tourism and Hospitality Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Image and Branding, Culture Dr. Asli D.A. Tasci is a professor in the field of tourism and hospitality marketing at UCF Rosen College of Hospitality Management. After receiving her […]
Denver Severt
Expertise: Guest Services Management, Customer and Employee Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty Denver Severt has had 25 years experience in all phases of the restaurant industry from front-line service positions to general manager positions. His latest experiene was as an Ambassador of Customer Service for the Polo Fields Gold and Country Club in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Denver […]
Heejung “Cheyenne” Ro
heejung-ro-cv-2016 Expertise: Services Marketing, Service Encounters, Consumer Complaining Behavior, Consumption Emotions, Service Recovery, LGBT Consumer Behavior Dr. Ro has been a faculty member of UCF’s Rosen College of Hospitality Management since 2007. She earned her Doctorate in Hospitality Management from Pennsylvania State University. Her research interests include service encounters in the services marketing and management […]